My Book

My Book
To order your copy of The Lovely Knowing simply click on the book--copyright 2011 Mishi McCoy. All rights reserved. No part of this book or artwork may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

۞ Quotes By Mishi

☆҉‿↗   "With broken wings, I will learn to fly; because one way or another, I'm gonna live until I die."
☆҉‿↗  "Someone once told me that they didn't like me very much. I smiled and replied, "That's okay. For a long time, I didn't like myself either."
☆҉‿↗ "It is often in the river of my own tears that my soul is cleansed."

☆҉‿↗ "I rarely behave well and live in a way that will make history- HERstory."

☆҉‿↗ "You can choose to be pitiful or you can choose to be powerful, but you cannot at the same time, be both."~Mishi

☆҉‿↗ "Your biology does not determine your biography. You are always the author of your own authentic life."~ Mishi

☆҉‿↗ "We long for authenticity, yet spend much time comparing and contrasting ourselves to others. We are each one special, unique and authentic in our own right. The only way to measure yourself is not against another, but by the Creators divine blueprint of you and you alone. Be yourself~ you are divinely different and unique!" ~ Mishi

☆҉‿↗ "Of course, I can! I am full of potential, possibilities and destined determination!"~ Mishi

☆҉‿↗ "Your present circumstances may seem limited, but you are never limited by your present circumstances."~ Mishi

☆҉‿↗ "In every moment, you are blessed with the empowerment of choice. Choose wisely, it is an investment into your quality of life."~ Mishi

☆҉‿↗ "My head won't leave the clouds until the stars lead the way.~ Mishi

☆҉‿↗ "When you truly remember who you are, there is nothing to forget."~ Mishi

☆҉‿↗ "The Lovely Knowing, your source of intuition and inspiration may not always be explainable, but it is always attainable!"~ Mishi McCoy

☆҉‿↗ "I am too blessed to be stressed!"~ Mishi

Mishi’s quotes

"There are moments of heartache and heartbreak, that we wonder how we did not drop dead in our pain. Perhaps, it is in the gift of shock that we, slowly in the midst of adversity, find acceptance and discover our peace of knowing and growing in the experience... We can remind each other that what did not kill us, but felt like it should have, will strengthen us to live our lives to it’s fullest. That faint whisper within each one of us, that knowing, if we will but listen, is continually reminding us that our hearts truly can go on."— Mishi McCoy