Before I could utter a word, she had discerned my every thought. Without breaking her natural stride, she chuckled and spoke to me, "Child, do you not understand my strength, my courage and my wisdom? Do you not remember that I have walked these dangerous lands and many other perilous terrains before? Do you not remember that I have carried you upon my back a thousand moons before this one? Have you forgotten that you nursed and were nourished with life sustaining milk from my breasts? Do you not recall the numerous times that I have visited you in your dreams and my presence sustaining you through your most difficult and darkest seasons? It is me that has celebrated with dance as you recognized the beauty and force of your own Divine greatness of soul. Never underestimate the strength and wisdom of the Crone. Let not my appearance fool you. I have showed up in many disguises. My life force never wanes; it only waxes strong. Do you not recognize me? I AM YOU.”
As she vanished, I recall the feeling of a deep inner void, a soulful yearning being fulfilled. Though I could no longer see her with my natural eyes, I would forever have her essence, her presence and her vehement passion etched into my psyche. Together, she and I became the crone. Together, we became every wild woman that was, that is and is to come.
This is written from a dream that I had not so many moons ago.
copyright 2015 Mishi McCoy. All rights reserved. No part of this writing may be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.
Back to read again. Absolutely Divine! All your works are. Thank you for sharing with us.